Alien Fanon Wiki


This article Alessia, is the sole property of CaptainFlowerss this article can not be used, altered in any way, shape or form, if you want to use this please ask. Also, if the article is missing some information, it's likely not finished, and excuse all informal data, as it will finish on a later date.
Gender Female
Race Human
Height 213 centimetres (6 ft 9 in)
Weight 242 pounds (108 kg)
Hair color Black
Eye color Emerald
Affiliation & Military Information
Affiliation United States Colonial Marine Corps
Weyland-Yutani Corporation
Rank First Lieutenant
Specialty Commando, Hacking, stealth, Extraterrestrial Extermination
Personal Status
Status Active

First Lieutenant Alessia (SN: A-1770-09) is an human female and one of the few known Supercommandos of the United States Colonial Marine Corps, formally aligned with the Weyland-Yutani Corporation's Weyland-Yutani Commandos due to her unique equipment designed to be immune to the xenomorph blood, designed from pure synthetic materials and being some of the most durable materials ever created. Alessia would thanks to her training, participate in the search and rescue mission to Acheron (LV-426) aboard the USS Sephora in 2179 to investigate the disappearance of the USS Sulaco and its crew 17 weeks earlier.