Alien Fanon Wiki
Necronom IV
This article, Sheb-Teth, Devourer of Souls, was written by monsterjealousy. Do not edit this fiction without the writer's consent.

The Great Old One, also known as Sheb-Teth to some xeno-cults, is quite possibly the single most powerful and deadly xenomorph in known history. Closely resembling the Destroyer from Aliens: Apocalypse - The Destroying Angels, the Great Old One is an ancient being that resides on Xenomorph Prime, known only from the nightmares of those it contacted with it's powerful mind. The Great Old One is believed to be an extremely old archetypical xenomorph, which means that it did not spawn from a host and therefore does not take advantage of the DNA reflex. however, it's advanced old age has granted it abilities far beyond any ordinary xenomorph. In addition to it's massive physical strength, the Great Old One apparently has telepathic abilities rivaling or surpassing that of a Queen Mother. It is believed that most xenomorph cults, such as the Esoteric Brotherhood of Tulitu, are a direct result of the Great Old One's telepathic influence. The Brotherhood of Obsidian, however, believes itself to be an exception, as they do not go around committing xeno-suicide like most cults seem to do. Rumor has it that the creature also possesses godlike psionic abilities, which it once used to shape the universe with a mere thought. The Great Old One can be contacted through the use of hallucinogenic drugs (preferably magic mushrooms, as they promote neurogenesis and slightly decrease the risk of insanity, though hashish, DMT, marijuana with over 30% THC, and peyote seem to work as well) combined with xeno-zip and a long period of meditation. If the Great Old One allows it, you could have something of a conversation with it while in this state, though most people who attempt the ritual don't come out of it with their sanity intact. BoO cultists who partook in the ritual reported that the Great Old One was highly intelligent, rivaling some of the greatest human minds in history, but was driven mainly by instinct, albeit ancient, eldritch instinct utterly alien to most earth life-forms. It also had a disturbing tendency to take the form of a loved one, though it always had a distinguishing trait, such as the presence of pharyngeal jaws or a xenomorph tail, which made it's true nature evident.

If one is so inclined to attempt the ritual, under no circumstances are they to use LSD as the hallucinogenic element; the nature of the drug nearly doubles the risk of loss of sanity.
